Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16th in History

622 - The beginning of the Islamic calendar.

1377 - Coronation of Richard II of England.

1661 - The first banknotes in Europe are issued by the Swedish bank Stockholms Banco.

1790 - The District of Columbia is established as the capital of the United States after signature of the Residence Act.

1809 - The city of La Paz, in what is today Bolivia, declares its independence from the Spanish Crown during the La Paz revolution and forms the Junta Tuitiva, the first independent government in Spanish America, led by Pedro Domingo Murillo.

1935 - The world's first parking meter is installed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

1951 - King Leopold III of Belgium abdicates in favor of his son, Baudouin I of Belgium.

1979 - Iraqi President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr resigns and is replaced by Saddam Hussein.

Famous Birthdays

1194 - St Clare of Assisi, follower of Francis of Assisi

1723 - Joshua Reynolds, painter

1888 - Shoeless Joe Jackson, baseball player

1920 - Anwar Hussain, cricketer

1946 - Richard LeParmentier, actor

1967 - Will Ferrell, comedian

1983 - Duncan Keith, ice hockey player

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