Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25th in History

841 - Charles the Bald and Louis the German defeated Lothar at Fontenay.

1080 - At Brixen, a council of bishops declared Pope Gregory to be deposed and Archbishop Guibert as antipope Clement III.

1580 - The Book of Concord was first published. The book is a collection of doctrinal standards of the Lutheran Church.

1658 - Aurangzeb proclaimed himself emperor of the Moghuls in India.

1767 - Mexican Indians rioted as Jesuit priests were ordered home.

1788 - Virginia ratified the U.S. Constitution and became the 10th state of the United States.

1870 - In Spain, Queen Isabella abdicated in favor of Alfonso XII.

1917 - The first American fighting troops landed in France.

1920 - The Greeks took 8,000 Turkish prisoners in Smyrna.

1938 - Douglas Hyde was inaugurated as the first President of the Irish Republic.

1941 - Finland declared war on the Soviet Union.

1946 - Ho Chi Minh traveled to France for talks on Vietnamese independence.

1950 - North Korea invaded South Korea initiating the Korean War. 

1959 - Éamon De Valera became President of Ireland at the age of 76. 

1973 - Erskine Childers Jr. became President of Ireland after the retirement of Éamon De Valera.

1975 - Mozambique became independent. Samora Machel was sworn in as president after 477 years of Portuguese rule. 

Famous Birthdays 

1242 - Beatrice of England, Duchess of Brittanny

1373 - Johanna II, Queen of Naples

1897 - Hans Barth, composer

1903 - Anne Revere, actress

1923 - Samuel Lewis Francis, painter

1963 - George Michael, Musician

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